Mystical Consulting


shift beyond the 3D To Understand How decisionS enhance or deplete your Power

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A Definition of a Miracle is a shift in perception

Learn to see through an enhanced perspective to transform obstacles into expansion opportunities. Anchor in self worth and align with Source to manifest from your Soul. Learn energetic tools to build core confidence and develop intuition. Intuitive guidance is a skill shared by masters in any field, who are able to be fully present. When it is time to perform, they trust their gut- connect body, mind and spirit.

The Shadow side of the Mystic is the Addict- Choose to flip your switch and shine


  • Astrology is a living science, evident in celestial patterns and reflected in our own nature. We are each our own little solar system, with patterns in constant change. If we have an understanding of the energetic forces around us, we have a greater capacity to harness the power within us. Like a new language, astrology speaks through the synchronicity of the stars, we learn how their messages align with our own lives. We explore zodiac signs’, luminaries, houses, elements in their relationship with archetypes, then further incorporate intuition to reveal life’s greater purpose. This approach does not blame Astrology as a victim, we are not the effect of it’s actions, we participate. Nor do we become overly depend on it’s guidance, alone. Instead we study the symbolic meanings to develop clear strategies that work with rather than against forces of nature.

    • Astrological chakra clearing

    • Event analysis

    • Cosmic forecast prep


  • Archetypes are a way for us to organize ourselves with each other, symbolically. Like time helps us know when, addresses help us know where, archetypes help us define who we are by what roles we play. We often identify with a profession or relationship, yet we have layers of labels. We stereotype, judge and discern what is for me, and what is not for me based on archetypes. Not only how we observe others, also how we form opinions and take actions are all driven by archetypes. They are patterns of behavior, some innate characteristics born in our biology and others developed from our biography. When we look through the lens of archetypes we see our greater purpose in soul contracts, make sense of passions and accepted limitations, objectively. Our archetypes teach us how to plug into sources of power in alignment with our special place in the world.


Expertise with adults and adolescents. Relating through respect, by establishing each individual is significant, validated for their contribution and responsible for their choices.

  • Addiction and codependency assessment

  • Recovery resources

  • Astrology and Archetype compatibility


Illuminate valuable perspectives, appreciate differences and manage effective communication styles for optimal wellness in the workplace that produces financial rewards. 

  • Sacred Sales

  • Energy Clearing

  • Archetypes and Astrological Analysis